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Ratings and Reviews

Get the most out of your online reputation

Gather, monitor, and improve your customer ratings and reviews.

Ratings and reviews

Online reviews will either make or break your business. We help you capture more positive reviews from customers and harness them to their full potential.

Your online reputation, at a glance

We automatically aggregate all of your online reviews from over 200 platforms into one easy-to-view dashboard, so you can see what customers are saying about you.

Highlight your best reviews

Improve customer trust and confidence with a dedicated section on your website that showcases your best reviews.

Your reputation matters

Earn More Business

97% of customers will not shop at businesses with lower than a 3-star rating.

Increase Website Traffic

Search engines will see your online reviews and factor that into your ranking vs. your competitors.

Improve Customer Trust

Positive online reviews increase customer confidence, attracting more people to your store.

Create More Returning Customers

Easily follow up on reviews to delight customers and earn more repeat business.

Automated and Effortless

All of your reviews are automatically added to your dashboard from 200+ sites.


“What's so unique about Broadlume is they specialize in websites specifically for flooring retailers like us. That resonated very deeply with me.”

Tom Kolaskey — Carpet Mart

Do more with your online reviews

Online ratings and reviews are a lot like word-of-mouth marketing. Only in this case, everyone online can see what customers have to say about your business. We'll help you get more positive customer reviews and make the most out of your online reputation.
  • Display top reviews on your website.
  • Highlight what sets your business apart.
  • See all your reviews from every platform, all within one dashboard.
  • Respond to reviews with ease.
Next: Web chat and texting

Connect with shoppers more quickly

Customers expect everything on-demand, and that's why we offer seamless web chat from your website. Retailers with web chat generate up to 11x more leads. And because it's text-based, you'll keep the conversation going after they leave your site.

Proven to make a difference

We've helped thousands of retailers simplify their business and sell more floors. Schedule a demo, and see why Broadlume is the most trusted technology provider in the flooring industry.