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(RECAP) Podium Webchat: Product Setup

Podium Webchat can improve customer communication, support, and drive new sales. From proper account setup to platform best practices, we'll walk through how you can make this impactful technology work hard for your business.

By Alexandra Wittner Feb 16, 2024

What Is Podium Webchat?

  • Podium Webchat isn't just another chat tool; it's a direct bridge to potential customers the moment they land on your website.
  • It enables real-time text messaging, enhancing your lead generation toolkit alongside phone calls and form submissions.
  • Seamlessly integrated into Broadlume's Premium and Platinum website solutions, Podium elevates your customer engagement strategy.

Getting Started with Podium

First-Time Login:

Logging into Podium is a breeze. Simply 

  1. Access your DealerHQ account
  2. Select 'chat' from the left-hand menu
  3. Select “Authorize” in the pop-up window
  4. Automatically get redirected to your new Podium account

Important: This process must be followed for all new users who require access to Podium

Podium App:

  • Downloading the Podium app ensures you're always connected, receiving instant notifications of new leads or messages.
  • Remember, the app logs out after 30 hours of inactivity for security purposes.

Navigating the Podium Inbox

  • The Podium inbox is your central hub for managing and responding to leads.
  • Assign leads to team members, close or archive conversations, and use attachments or saved message templates for quick replies.

Enhancing Team Collaboration with Team Chat

  • Create internal chat rooms for various departments like Sales, Finance, and Scheduling.
  • Foster streamlined communication and operations to ensure everyone is on the same page.

Customizing Your Podium Widget

  • Tailor the widget's appearance, greetings, and auto-responses to match your brand's voice and style perfectly.
  • Customize the widget's icon, avatar image, and bubble color for seamless integration with your website's design.

Understanding 10DLC Registration

  • Completing your 10-digit Long Code (10DLC) registration is crucial for compliance and ensures your messages reach customers without being blocked.
  • Log in to Podium and open the Registration Link to complete the process in minutes.

Activating Your Podium Widget

Once your Podium account is set up, reaching out to your Broadlume Account Manager is the next step. They will assist you with:

  1. Activating the Podium widget on your website
  2. Submitting a test lead to ensure the tool is properly functioning
  3. Setting up business hours and implementing an after-hours response message


  • Can I set up multiple locations with my Podium Account?
    • Your Podium account only includes one location. If you have multiple locations, you can request additional accounts but will be charged and additional fee per location.
  • How will I be notified when new chats are generated?
    • Both the desktop and mobile app have notifications that inform the user about a new message that has come in. You will also receive an email lead notification from your DealerHQ account.
  • What happens if someone calls the Podium number?
    • The podium number is only revealed after submitting a lead. If called, it prompts the user to contact the business's main line or press any key to chat. A text then provides the dealer's main number and the option to text back, resuming the conversation in the app from the dealer's end.
  • I see additional features available in my Podium account, are those included in my service?
    • Your Broadlume plan includes access to Podium Chat & Team Chat.

Have more questions? Reach out to your Broadlume Account Manager!